Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day Seven

I guess I never realized just how monumental the first three scenes of this show are.  Of course, duh, I wrote them that way and all and I've heard them read aloud any number of times.  And seeing it in my head is emotional because they set everything up for the whole show.  I just am (pleasantly) surprised at how intense it is to watch Joe work with the actors on it.

But since every single person in our rehearsal room is giving everything they have (and then some) it is also just about the most thrilling experience I've had.  It's such an honor to see such thought and warmth and purpose go into every single word and every single note.  I probably sound like a broken record in these rehearsal reports, but it really is overwhelming to hit the ground running with such confidence and care.

Tomorrow starts a little change of pace.  These first forty pages have been overwhelming with big group scenes to establish the story and the tone and the characters.  Next up are a few scenes in a with a little more humor and a little smaller in scope (if not intensity - because, let's face it, this is an intense topic.)  But I predict I'll be gushing just as much tomorrow!

It's hard not to gush when you get to do what I get to do these days.

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